Upon visiting Tariq Dixon's stylish Brooklyn brownstone, one is struck with the thought that this is a man who is living his dreams. His chosen aesthetic for his personal place of respite is awash with the look, feel, even ethos of TRNK; the NYC-based, industrial design studio known for furniture and textile modern classics that he co-founded. Luxurious, subdued palettes of cream, rich greys, and natural woods stained both light and dark feel substantial without feeling old-fashioned. Textiles are carefully chosen to highlight details, while accent pieces mix traditional and contemporary. Modern details re-invent classical pieces, for a feeling that's more than modern; it's timeless.
I ’m a passionate believer in the role that environments play in shaping our states of mind. Waking up in the morning, stepping onto a warm, silken rug, observing how the wrinkles in your linen sheets beautifully catch the morning light - it foretells a very different tenor from stepping onto a cold, bare floor, rushing out of the door, and leaving behind a whirlwind of chaos that only awaits your return home. This appreciation for the importance of home was my motivation for creating TRNK. As I matured into my late twenties (now having lived in NYC for several years), I started to better understand the factors that informed my daily state of mind - those stressors that create feelings of unease versus the simple pleasures that offered comfort or just a momentary respite from the bedlam of New York City.

The curation of TRNK is a reflection of how I think about designed a well-balanced a character-filled space - how different products interact with each other to create contrast and tension, while compensating for qualities that the others lack. We source a range of products from around the globe, each with their own unique qualities that together form a cohesive, but complex narrative.

The room evidently needed more texture and pattern. But having recently procured a set of triangular coffee tables, I wanted the pattern to be more organic or abstract. The Odyssey collection’s uniqueness caught my attention. The tribal influences were apparent, but the design was distinctly contemporary. It managed to borrow inspiration without being too referential. After placing it into the space, I was all the more pleased. The color well-complements my navy sofa, and its warm grey undertones look especially beautiful in the soft, morning light. Even after introducing the rug, the room still pleaded for more texture. Meanwhile, I observed that my guests would often find their way from the sofa to the floor, opting to stretch out on the rug after admiring its softness. A pair of pillows offered a clever solution, adding a much-needed layer of texture to the room while offering weary guests a place to rest their heads. All in all, I feel like my home accomplishes its most important goal - to provide a sense of ease. While continually a work in progress, my humble Bed-Stuy studio encourages me to stop, sit and stay - a much needed sanctuary from the stimulation and chaos that awaits outside.